Great gem and Thanku!
Funny, while I was reading, "What Uncle Sam Supplies the President", I was thinking, huh! Kinda like what the "rank and file" provide the GB
to see twenty issues of the rarest of the rare wts endorsed pamphlets (or brochures), click on the link above and then scroll down the column on the left of the page to the date 1924 - 1925 where you will find listed the words, .
the broadcaster - wts endorsed-must read *new*.
Great gem and Thanku!
Funny, while I was reading, "What Uncle Sam Supplies the President", I was thinking, huh! Kinda like what the "rank and file" provide the GB
the wts is like a little rotten brat that has had it's way for many years now.
yes, it's shocking when you've gotten away with your old play book, only to find out the way the law really works when tested to full measure.
the conti case proves how the law views the wts handling of pedophiles, as well as jury, and jugde.
Can I be the butcher?
hi all you fellow michiganders.. i wanted to make you aware that the meetup site entitled, "ex-jehovah's witnesses of michigan" will not be disolved.
i decided since today was the last day before it would be no more, i should step up, and so i gladly did.. seeing that there has not been one meetup since it's inception, i plan to change that.
i know there is at least one person from here who is registered with our meetup.
Ooh, Lansing? I'm excited! Are you registered on the MEETUP site I mentioned above? I am very interactive with it. I already have a MEETUP scheduled for July, but without a date.
Someone did some calling around (yay others are really exited, too!) and it seems as if the Olive Garden takes reservations for groups of 8 or more, perhaps having our own little area. This is sounding great to me.
The next step is to set an actual date. I am still not sure what my July schedule is, as it is out of my hands at this point. As SOON as I know it, I will post something on here and over at MEETUP.
Although, as it turns out, I actually have THIS weekend free for sure. I am wondering if anyone would want to meet then? I know it is kind of last-minute, but what say you all? I am going to ask on the MEETUP board & send e-mails out, too.
Questioning..Since you are in Lansing, then perhaps I can schedule something in August for the area. I think it would be great if we can all be a little flexible, if possible and kind of have a roaming MEETUP group. For instance, Novi this month, Lansing next month, Ann Arbor is Sept., in this way, we try to keep it fair and the nice change of scenery is good.
Any suggestions you have, Questioning..please feel free to ask. I hope to meet you soon, especially since you are in my own back yard
Any Michiganders reading this..what are your thoughts for a MEETUP this weekend?? Say Sunday, perhaps, about 2-3 pm in Novi Olive Garden?
hi all you fellow michiganders.. i wanted to make you aware that the meetup site entitled, "ex-jehovah's witnesses of michigan" will not be disolved.
i decided since today was the last day before it would be no more, i should step up, and so i gladly did.. seeing that there has not been one meetup since it's inception, i plan to change that.
i know there is at least one person from here who is registered with our meetup.
Hiya Darth
Just to let you know, it seems there are five of us (so far) that are going to meet in Novi. The weekends seem to be the best for everyone. I am hoping you will be able to join us, sooner, rather than later
Serenitynow...Can you please RSVP on the MEETUP board since it seems you, too, are attending? Some may feel encouraged to go if they see there are more in numbers. Thanks, chica
follow this link, scroll down to entry dated 6-16-2012..
edit: warning, you will have to listen to several minutes of music before rick starts talking.. edit 2: this is a 5 hour program.
a progress bar will appear the allows you to fast forward, but it took many minutes for it to load on my computer.
For whatever reason, I cannot get it going under Firefox, but works fine for Explorer.
Thank you for posting the link is up, Scenic. Now I can listen to what I missed after I left the call.
Posted on my FB. For me, this is the only article I've seen that has both Candace's pic as well as that disgusting rat bastard Kendrick
when "jehovah's witnesses" is typed into google, sex abuse story now top thats web dynamics at work.
The light gets brighter and brighter...
of course watchtower lawyer says it's not over yet, we are going to appeal.
thats what they are suppose to say.
but wat is going to want to put this nightmare behind them as fast as they can.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought I heard the lawyer working for the bastard pigs was outside council. I seem to think he replaced an in-house councel?
And yes, 10% a year interest would be applied to the WTBTS. Richard Rawe asked that good question, I believe.
I expect them to take this all the way to the Supreme Court. They are going to fight tooth and nail to make themselves appear as if they still believe they did nothing wrong. They also will try to get a reduction on the awarded amount. Too, they are trying to hold back the floodgates of other victims that will no doubt be coming forth.
Candace's lawyer is very sharp (not all of them are you know) and it seems they thought the entire thing through before even starting the suit. They wanted to alleviate any means the WTBTS could use against them in hopes to get this thing thrown out out. If memory serves me correct, the plaintiffs team did not even bring up certain documents/policies that would have made the GB cringe. Candace's atty handled it very carefully, looking at every angle the sly bastards would try to pull on them. Very encouraging tele-conference tonight. I am hopeful for this case as well as the others that will soon follow...I am sure.
All this coverage is just so wonderful. I am posting links everyday to my FB page.
Barbara~I don't know if you were able to hear me on the conference call tonight, as there was such an echo (and I didn't think I had my speaker on?) but I was the one who asked if action against the WTBTS of PA was going to be sought. I only mention this because I didn't know if you had heard my prior comments: I thanked both Ricks-one for hosting the call and the other for taking on the case and seeing it all the way through, Candace for being such a brave soul and you, Barbara, for your tireless effort throughout the years. I said you must be happy to see all your hard work FINALLY come to fruition, and thanked you as well.
Although I was never sexually abused by any JW, I was growing up. It first happened at seven from a male babysitter. I think I may have even been raped at one point, because I recall knowing things a 7 y/o should not know. If I was, by the grace of God it has been blocked from my memory. For the next ten years a few others, whether in the family or not, tried to kill my soul. They almost had me, too..many times they almost had me...
It makes my heart feel overwhelmed when I know there are advocates such as yourself who fight for the innocent children who will never quite be whole again. You are a voice when we have none...You are a shining light of hope when there is darkness all around...You are simply an incredible person, and the world has been a better place because of you. I will never forget your kindness, sacrifice and beautiful heart. On behalf of all abused children, I sincerely THANK YOU from the very depths of my being.
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
"AK McGrath: "I just asked the atty if the WTBTS of PA will be pursued in this case. There is no jurisdiction to do so.""
Thank you for asking that question. The Atty added the WTBTS of PA was not in charge until 2001. This particular case happened in mid 90's. That said, the WTBTS of PA is liable for any other cases that happened on or after 2001. Correct me if I misunderstood.
I am sure you all know that it is the WTBTS of PA that with all the money and the assets.
Thank you, Rick for orgarnizing this conferance.
That was my understanding too, blindnomore...maybe someone else can confirm or clearify?